The club offers three types of membership. Details of each membership can be found below:
We will be freezing our membership prices until 31st January 2025. We will then be raising them by £5 for individual membership and £10 for joint membership to cover the increase of costs.
Includes receipt of 'Hoofprints', our newsletter, and the national 'Rider' magazine - Non Riding Membership - £26 - Joint Non Riding Membership - £40
Riding Includes the Newsletter, Rider magazine, priority on club training clinics, reduced entry fees and eligibility for Area Team competitions. This gives members a chance to qualify for the BRC National Championships. - Individual Riding Membership - £58 - Joint Riding Membership - £96 - Family Riding Membership (each additional member) - £49
Redlands Includes all the benefits of a 'Riding' member plus the use of Redlands and its facilities for private lessons or schooling at any time - except on clinic or competition set up/days. - Individual Riding + Redlands Membership - £102 - Joint Riding + Redlands Membership - £180 - Family Riding +Redlands Membership (each additional member) - £82
New Redlands Members will need to pay £50 key deposit for Redlands which will be refunded when your key is returned. Please transfer your deposit to the SRC account (Sevenoaks Riding Club - 30-97-49 // 36577068) with your surname + key as a reference.
2025 Membership Application
Renew your membership via the Sevenoaks Riding Club Sport 80 portal.
We will then contact each member in the new year with the helpers list and area competition details.
If you have any further questions about the SRC membership please contact Kate Peck - Tel: 07763557482 or email:[email protected] . Membership is payable on the 1st January each year. New members are welcome to join at any time throughout the year.